成为美国人.S. 美国公民,持有美国护照.S. 护照是许多移民的美国梦. We are privileged to assist our clients through this process by accurately assessing one’s eligibility to obtain U.S. 公民身份, 准备一个高质量的入籍包, 准备入籍面试, 陪同我们的客户进行入籍面试. 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 immigration attorneys guide our clients throughout the naturalization process until they are holding their Naturalization Certificate in one h和 和 an American flag in the other.
入籍是成为美国公民的过程.S. 指出生在美国以外的人.S. 如果你的父母是美国人.S. 18岁之前的公民, 然后你就可以申请公民证书了, 而不是归化, 因为你可以获得自动U.S. 通过父母获得公民身份.
前入籍, a lawful permanent resident applicant must be 18 years old or older 和 willing to support 和 defend the U.S. 及其章程, 和 the applicant must meet the physical, continuous presence requirement. 具体地说, permanent residents who are still married to 和 cohabitating with their U.S. 公民上访可以在3年内提出申请, while other permanent residents have to meet the five-year continuous permanent resident status. 此外,申请人必须身在美国.S. 至少达到所需连续存在时间的一半, unless one meets an exemption based on certain overseas employment.
在一般情况下, one may obtain permanent residency (Greencard) through employment-based immigration or family-based immigration. 详情请浏览我们的网站 就业移民页面 和 亲属移民页面.
一旦申请人提交了入籍申请,美国移民局就会对其进行审查.S.C.I.S. 会在当地办事处安排一次面对面的面试吗.
面试时, the interviewing officer will review the application 和 the applicant will take a 公民身份 or naturalization test, 除非申请人有资格获得豁免.
What is the process for naturalization 和 公民身份 applications, 和 how can I qualify for them?
Before you can apply for naturalization, you must first determine your eligibility. 我们会审查你的记录, 包括任何犯罪/逮捕记录和旅行记录, 和 your English ability to determine your eligibility to apply for Naturalization.
具体地说, you must be a lawful permanent resident who is at least 18 years old or older, 谁愿意支持和捍卫美国.S. 及其章程. You must also meet the physical, continuous presence requirement. Permanent residents who are still married to 和 cohabitating with their U.S. 公民上访可以在3年内提出申请, while other permanent residents must meet the five-year continuous permanent resident status. Lastly, an applicant must have been physically present in the U.S. 至少达到所需连续存在时间的一半.
What is the process for 公民身份 tests 和 interviews, 和 how can I prepare for them?
The naturalization test is a two-part test: an English proficiency test 和 a civics test. 而申请人并不需要说一口流利的英语, 申请人需要能够阅读, 写, 并能说基本的英语. 为了公民考试, the interviewing officer will choose 10 questions from the 100 pre-given questions about American government 和 history. The applicant needs to answer correctly at least six questions to pass the civics test. 谢天谢地,美国.S.C.I.S. provides study materials 和 100 questions with answers, which are available at uscis.gov /国籍.
The applicant can be accompanied by an immigration attorney to the naturalization interview. Our attorneys can provide help in preparing 和 submitting the naturalization application, as well as accompany our clients to the naturalization interview.
Can I be exempted from the 公民身份 tests if I do not speak or underst和 English?
If you are 50 years old or older 和 you have been a permanent resident for 20 years (“50/20” exception), or if you are 55 years old or older 和 you have been a permanent resident for 15 years (“55/15” exception), 那么你就可以免试了. 虽然你还需要参加公民考试, you can take the civics test in your native language by bringing your own interpreter, 谁能说流利的英语和你的母语.
在另一种情况下, if you have a physical or developmental disability or a mental impairment that prevents you from taking the exam, you may be waived from both English 和 civics tests based on medical certification completed by a licensed medical or osteopathic doctor, 或者有执照的临床心理学家.
Can I still apply for 公民身份 based on my arrest or conviction record?
如果你被逮捕了, 拘留, 或者被执法人员传讯, then we would ask that you obtain a certified copy of court disposition documents, 包括删除的记录和缓刑记录. 然后, our immigration attorneys will examine the criminal records to determine your eligibility 和 the timing of your application.
申请入籍成为美国公民.S. Citizen对我们的客户来说是一个令人兴奋的过程. 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 immigration attorneys are experienced in filing for naturalization for conditional permanent residents, as well as in assessing eligibility for filing for applicants with criminal/arrest/citation records or other state/federal law violation history.
One can apply for naturalization within 90 days preceding the continuous resident requirement, instead of waiting for the full 5 years (or 3 years for permanent residents who are still married or cohabitating with their U.S. 公民请愿者). If you wish to file for naturalization as soon as you are eligible, 那我们建议客户去找彭德谈谈 & 亚洲博彩平台排名 immigration attorneys as soon as you are interested in 和 eligible to file for naturalization.